Acupuncturist, Aromatherapist, Art Therapist, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Chiropractor, Craniosacral Therapist, Dance/Movement Therapist, Dietitians, Energy Healer, Herbalist, Counselor, Dentist, Educator, Environmentalist, Esthetician, Herbalist, Homeopath, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, Massage Therapist, Meditation Teacher, Mindfulness, Music Therapist, Naturopathic Doctor, Nurse, Nutritionist, Occupational Therapist, Paramedic, Physical Therapist, Psychotherapist, Qigong Practitioner, Reflexologist, Reiki Practitioner, Shiatsu Therapist, Social Worker, Sound Healer, Speech Therapist, Tai Chi Instructor, Veterinarian, Yoga Instructor.
What is a Soulmate?
Is there a real Soul connection?
Are there any Soulmates waiting for you?
If they are ...
Where can you find a SoulMate?
How to spot your SoulMate?
Is there a way to attract your SoulMate?
It may happen that, after dedicating a lot of time to improve yourself, you are still alone, waiting to find that special one.
What else can you do? How can you overcome the barriers that seem to be limiting the possibility of having a dream relationship?
What if it does not depend only on yourself? What if the problem is beyond you?
If that is true, how do you solve something which is beyond you?
This is the reason for this website.
The “Meet Your Soulmate” program is designed to solve visible and invisible issues that have been keeping you in a buckle, repeating the same old stories.
Family Constellations provided me with an invaluable possibility to solve very deep blocks that were affecting my life...Angel Primal Workshops (2003 - 2023)