Soulmate Workshop Demo

Dear Sir/Madam,

We have been following your social media presence and deeply admire your dedication to fostering happy and authentic relationships. It is for this reason that we would like to extend an invitation to you to become an affiliate partner of our “Soulmate program“.

After carefully reviewing your credentials, we are confident that you share our commitment to upholding promises and fulfilling commitments. As a result, we would be thrilled to accept your affiliate application and welcome you on board.

The affiliates play a crucial role in helping us bring individuals to a journey of self-discovery through Family Constellations, guided by @AngelPrimal, an experienced Primal therapist with over 3,000 Constellations facilitated since 2003, and Judith M Costa, a renowned coach with an impressive curriculum.

As an affiliate, you will earn 50% commission for each participant of the Demo Workshop and 300 €uros for each participant of the 5-7 days retreat.

To assist you with real-time tracking of links and money conversions, we utilize the Trackdesk software. Through this software, you will have direct access to monitor and track your referrals. To register as an affiliate, please visit:

Angel Alvarez
Soulmate Events 

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